Voice Recognition




LCJVS has adopted the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS). Canvas is easy to use, cloud-based and flexible, and will enhance student’s learning experiences as they prepare for college and career success. Canvas allows teachers to blend all of their tools, apps, and resources into a flexible digital space that complements their classroom, and where students can experience individual learning, and take advantage of their strengths. 

Parents can create a Canvas Observer account from which they can monitor their student’s in-class progress. Parents will need access to their student’s Canvas account in order to obtain a code needed to create their observer account.

Canvas has been chosen for LCJVS because it provides our students with a tool to strengthen their high school experience as well as their transition after high school. Not only do colleges and universities such as Miami University, The Ohio State University, and others utilize Canvasbut also Lorain County Community College, where many of our students continue their post-high school education and traininghas chosen the Canvas LMS for all of its: on-campus, blended, and online courses. 

We are excited about implementing Canvas though we recognize that this process requires both staff and students to make adjustments to how they leverage new technologies. This period will take some time, but the result will be more flexible, connected, and powerful classroom experiences. 


Below is a link to the video tutorial with instructions for creating your LCJVS Canvas Observer account. One step includes getting the Pairing Code from within your student’s Canvas settings, so it’s best that they log in through the Canvas web (rather than the Canvas Student app) interface in order to follow the video directions.
Parents also can get the student pairing code from the student app, and for use with a QR code to connect to their student.  These videos provide two alternative ways to create and connect the LCJVS Canvas Parent Observer accounts to their students.
Canvas Web Pairing Code:  https://youtu.be/Ps7r38kGqyI
Canvas Student (App) Pairing Code: https://youtu.be/y9QNSKArVfI
apple app google play app
The Lorain County Joint Vocational School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs and activities, and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. © 2025. The Lorain County Joint Vocational School District. All Rights Reserved.