Voice Recognition



Attendance Line:      440-774-1051, ext. 44442
Attendance Email:    [email protected]

Early Release Line: 440-774-1051, ext. 54441


Do I need to call the attendance line if my student will be absent?

NO, LCJVS does not require a parent phone call for absences unless the student will be absent for an extended period of time (3 or more days).

If I call the attendance line, will my student’s absence be excused? 

NO, phone calls or messages do not excuse an absence. A written excuse from a parent/guardian or official is required in order for a partial or full day of absence to be excused. See list of excused absences in excused absence section.  

Will I be notified if my student is absent? 

YES, notification of student absence with be sent within 2 hours of their 1st scheduled period of the day at JVS. 

If the associate school is closed, does my student still have school at LCJVS? 

YES, your student is now a JVS student and they will follow the LCJVS school schedule.  However, if the associate school is closed due to the weather and is not providing bussing to the LCJVS, we will excuse the absence.  

Will the associate school still provide transportation if the associate school is closed? 

Many times, yes. However, this depends on the associate school and whether they deem school transportation safe at that time (ex: if driving conditions may be considered hazardous). If you have questions regarding 

Transportation on those days, please contact the high school bus garage. Associate school bus garage information can be found on the JVS website under High School TRANSPORTATION

My family is going on vacation, what should I do? 

Fill out a PrePlanned Absence Form form and return it to the attendance office. Students with less than 65 hours of excused absence may be approved for up to 30 hours (5 days) of preplanned absence per school year.


If a student needs to leave school early, the parent/guardian must:

-Call the attendance line 440-774-1051 x44442


-Send in a note stating the reason for early dismissal and the exact time the student must be released. *The attendance office will call to verify the validity of all early dismissal notes.*

*If you are calling to have a student dismissed early, please try to give notice 1 hour prior to the dismissal. 

*Students will not be permitted to leave school grounds without a dismissal pass from the attendance office.

*When determining what time a student should leave early, please keep in mind it may take them up to 10 minutes to collect their belongings, pick up their dismissal pass, and walk to their vehicle.


This form is used to request approval in advance for unexcused, preplanned absences to be excused by administration. See list below for absences considered excused by the state of Ohio. Students with less than 65 hours of excused absence may be approved for up to 30 hours (5 days) of preplanned absence per school year pending administrative approval. Students must complete a preplanned absence form and schedule a meeting with an Assistant Principal or Principal.  Preplanned absence forms are located in the JVS attendance office or you can print one by clicking here.


Under state school law, the parent or guardian must provide an explanation for the absence, which shall be recorded by the approving authority of the school and shall include the date and time of the absence. Emancipated youth and married children under the age of eighteen may provide the explanation for their absence.

Per Ohio Revised Code, only the following reasons will be recognized as an excused student absence:

-Illness of the child. Parent note required. The approving authority may require the written statement of a physician/mental health professional if it is deemed appropriate.

-Illness in the family necessitating the presence of the child. Parent note required. The approving authority may require the written statement of a physician/mental health professional if it is deemed appropriate.

-Quarantine of the home. Official document required. The absence of a child from school under this condition is limited to the length of quarantine as determined by the proper health officials.

-Death of a relative. Parent note required. The absence arising from this condition is limited to a period of eighteen school hours unless a reasonable cause may be shown by the applicant child for a longer absence.

-Medical or dental appointment. Official note required. The approving authority may require the written statement of a physician/mental health professional if it is deemed appropriate.

-Observance of religious holidays. Parent note required. Any child shall be excused if his/her absence was for the purpose of observing a religious holiday consistent with his/her truly held religious beliefs.

-College visitation. Official note from college required.

- Absences due to a student's placement in foster care or change in foster care placement or any court proceedings related to their foster care status. Official document required.

- Absences due to a student being homeless.

- Emergency or other set of circumstances in which the judgment of the superintendent of schools constitutes a good and sufficient cause for absence from school.

HB 410

In 2016, both the Ohio House and Senate passed House Bill 410, which adopts nationally accepted best practices to support students and families and keep students engaged in school and on a path to success. Due to this legislation, the JVS will place any student on Attendance Notice who has missed 38 or more hours of school within 30 days, and/or 65 or more hours of school in the year. Please note, these hours may be due to excused or unexcused absences. Additionally, per Ohio House Bill 410, any student who has missed 30 or more consecutive unexcused hours of school, 42 or more unexcused hours of school in one month, and/or 72 or more total unexcused hours of school in the year will be designated as “Habitual Truant” and assigned to an Absence Intervention Team. Further absences could result in referral to the Lorain County Juvenile Court. Hours of absence from school include time missed due to tardiness and early dismissal.

HB 410 Links: 


Excessive Absences and Truancy Fast-Facts

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The Lorain County Joint Vocational School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs and activities, and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. © 2025. The Lorain County Joint Vocational School District. All Rights Reserved.