Voice Recognition

Career Technical Clubs

Career Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs)

CTSOs (Career Technical Student Organizations) are designed to develop leadership potential, cooperation, social interactions, and an awareness and appreciation of good citizenship.  All members may have the opportunity to participate in competitive skill events.  

BPA                       Business Professionals of America

DECA                    Preparing Emerging Leaders & Entrepreneurs in Marketing, Finance, Hospitality & Management

ER                         Educators Rising

FCCLA                  Family, Career and Community Leaders of America

FFA                       An Association of Agricultural Students

HOSA                   Future Health Professionals

SkillsUSA             Students, Teachers and Industry Working Toward a Skilled Workforce

Want more information about SkillsUSA? Hear from our chapter members directly!

Participation in all club activities is a privilege and may be denied or revoked.  Students may be denied participation due to grades, attendance, discipline and/or behavior.  Students may participate in CTSO competitive events, activities and conferences if the following occurs prior to competition:  All grades are a ‘C’ or above, the student has less than (30) unexcused hours of absences, and there are no repeated detentions or in-school assignments (ISAs) and less than 5 days of out-of-school suspensions (OSSs).  

BPA DECA Ed Rising FCCLA ffa hosaSkills

Vocational Youth Council (VYC)/INTERACT

The Vocational Youth Clubs Council is made up of JVS students who are members of vocational youth, leadership and social clubs.  An interested student may apply to become a member of this group and can help plan a calendar of school-wide activities.  In previous years, the Council has participated in dances, food drives, Open House, and in-house and outside JVS special activities and events.

Vocational Youth Council (VYC)/INTERACT

The Vocational Youth Clubs Council is made up of JVS students who are members of vocational youth, leadership and social clubs.  An interested student may apply to become a member of this group and can help plan a calendar of school-wide activities.  In previous years, the Council has participated in dances, food drives, Open House, and in-house and outside JVS special activities and events.

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The Lorain County Joint Vocational School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs and activities, and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. © 2025. The Lorain County Joint Vocational School District. All Rights Reserved.