Voice Recognition

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) at Lorain County JVS Adult Career Center, is defined as a 70% grade average and a 90% attendance rate (Pace of Completion). The SAP applies to all career development students to be considered completers of a LCJVS career development program. SAP is evaluated at the end of each payment period and is based on the following standards:

• Quality (grades) - Student must maintain a cumulative grade average of 70%.
• Time Frame - Student must complete within 111% of the normal length of the program to remain on aid.
• Completion Rate - Student must maintain a cumulative 90% attendance percentage.

Grades (Qualitative Measure) Students must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of a “C” or 70.0%. Students must have achieved this GPA at each SAP evaluation. Grades are recorded by the instructor from lab performance and tests as they occur.

A 90-100%
B 80-89%
C 70-79%
D 60-69%
F 0-59%

Grades will reflect achievement in the following areas: written and program competency test scores, homework, class assignments, employability skills, class participation, attendance, lab performance, and externship evaluations. An overall grade average of 70% (C) is required to complete a program. Incomplete grades are not allowed.

Attendance (Quantitative Measure) students must maintain pace of progression (90%) to ensure completion within maximum timeframe. Students must maintain pace that will ensure completion within 111% of published length of program. If a student is on an approved leave of absence, when the student returns, they will return at the same timeline of their previous maximum time frame. In addition, if a student has approved transfer hours, these transfer hours are counted towards the 111% maximum timeframe of the published length of the program. The GPA is not counted for transfer credit hours.
Students who are awarded Pell Grants and/or Direct Stafford Loans must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress for continued aid eligibility. All periods of enrollment count toward Satisfactory Academic Progress (fall, winter, spring, and summer), including periods when a student does not receive Title IV aid (Pell and Direct Stafford Loans).

Although attendance and grades are constantly monitored by the instructor and the Director of Adult Career Center or designee, the review of the student’s academic progress occurs at the end of each payment period, as required by the U.S. Department of Education. The official evaluation for students in all programs is at the point when the student’s scheduled clock hours for the payment period have elapsed. For example, in a 900-hour program with 30 weeks, the official evaluation date is the end of the program day in which 450 scheduled hours occurs and 15 weeks have elapsed.

Upon official evaluation of SAP, if the student is meeting SAP and has attended all the hours in the previous payment period, he or she will be eligible for Title IV financial aid. If the student is not meeting SAP, the student will be placed on financial aid warning status. The Director of Adult Career Center or designee will notify the student in writing if the results of an evaluation and its impact on his or her eligibility for Title IV funds. The Director of Adult Career Center or designee will meet with the student to discuss the results of the official evaluation of SAP and how the student can come back into compliance. A student on financial aid warning status may continue to receive Title IV financial aid assistance for one (1) payment period despite a determination that the student is not meeting SAP, provided the student has completed all hours in the previous payment period. Financial aid warning status may be assigned without an appeal or other action by the student. Note, for a student to meet program completion requirements by the end of the payment period, the student may be required by the Adult Career Center Director or designee to follow an academic plan developed by the student and Adult Career Center Director or designee.

Any student who fails to make Satisfactory Academic Progress will be reviewed at the end of the next payment period. If a student on “warning status” has failed to restore SAP standards at this time, he/she will lose financial aid eligibility. A student in this situation has the right to appeal this decision based on his injury or illness, the death of a relative, or other special circumstances. The appeal must explain why the student failed to make satisfactory progress and what has changed in his/her situation that will allow the student to make satisfactory progress at the next evaluation. The student must write a letter to the Director of Adult Career Center including the aforementioned information as well as any supporting documentation. The student should also share a plan as to how SAP will be restored if the Director chooses to reinstate financial aid. If the Director approves the reinstatement of financial aid for the student, it will be on a probationary status. The student will only be permitted to continue receiving aid for one additional payment period unless probationary conditions are met and SAP has been restored by that time. A student that fails to adhere to the goals of the plan when checked at the end of the subsequent payment period will once again lose financial aid eligibility. No further appeals will be accepted. If the Director denies the appeal, the student will be expected to personally finance the remainder of the course or be withdrawn from the program.

If a student withdraws or is withdrawn, or fails from a program, the student may return and re-start the same program and receive financial aid, provided 180 days have elapsed since their last day of attendance in the program in which they withdrew. If a student decides to return to a program they withdrew from, the student must start the program at the beginning, as LCJVS Adult Career Center does not grant credit (quantitative and qualitative) for previously completed coursework.

Example Of SAP: A student enrolled in a 1,500 hour program that meets 20 hours per week would be 75 weeks in length. 111% of 75 weeks is 83.25 weeks. A student enrolled in this program may receive aid while enrolled in this program for up to 83.25 weeks to complete the 1,500 clock hours required for successful completion. The 1,500 hour program at 111% would allow for up to 1,665 hours to complete the program as a maximum time frame.
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